Bosler, Canyon et al. (2017). “The Outlook for U.S. Labor-Quality Growth”. In:
Hulten, Charles and Valerie Ramey. Education, Skills, and Technical Change: Impli-
cations for Future U.S. GDP Growth. University of Chicago Press.
Press coverage: Fox Business.
Daly, Mary C. and Bart Hobijn (2017). “Composition and Aggregate Real Wage
Growth”. In: American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings) 107.5, pp. 349–
Carrillo-Tudela, Carlos et al. (2016). “The extent and cyclicality of career changes:
Evidence for the U.K”. In: European Economic Review 84.C, pp. 18–41.
Elsby, Michael W.L., Bart Hobijn, and Ay¸seg¨ul
ahin (2015). “On the importance
of the participation margin for labor market fluctuations”. In: Journal of Monetary
Economics 72.C, pp. 64–82.
Additional Materials: Replication files.
Hale, Galina and Bart Hobijn (2015). “Share of Imports and Commodities in
Consumption and Investment in the United States”. In: Uncovering Value Added in
Trade: New Approaches to Analyzing Global Value Chains. World Scientific Book
Chapters. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Chap. 6, pp. 101–112.
Daly, Mary C. and Bart Hobijn (2014). “Downward Nominal Wage Rigidities Bend
the Phillips Curve”. In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 46.S2, pp. 51–93.
Additional files: Slides, Replication files.
Press coverage: Krugman blog (1), Krugman blog (2), BusinessWeek, Economist , STL Post-
Dispatch, Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, Washington Post, MSN, BusinessWeek, FD (Dutch),
Economist, WSJ (blog), NY Times (blog).
Elsby, Michael, Bart Hobijn, and Ay¸seg¨ul
ahin (2013a). “The Decline of the U.S.
Labor Share”. In: Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 44.2 (Fall), pp. 1–63.
Additional files: Slides, Replication files
Press coverage: Bloomberg, Slate , Business Insider, Economist, U.S. News, Economist, Bloomberg,
WSJ (opinion), Economist, Bloomberg.
Elsby, Michael W. L., Bart Hobijn, and Ay¸seg¨ul
ahin (2013b). “Unemployment
Dynamics in the OECD”. In: The Review of Economics and Statistics 95.2, pp. 530–
Hobijn, Bart and Ay¸seg¨ul
ahin (2013). “Beveridge Curve Shifts across Countries
since the Great Recession”. In: IMF Economic Review 61.4, pp. 566–600.
Additional files: Slides, Replication files
Press coverage: Financial Times.
Hobijn, Bart and Ay¸seg¨ul
ahin (Jan. 2013). “Firms And Flexibility”. In: Economic
Inquiry 51.1, pp. 922–940.
Barnichon, Regis et al. (2012). “Which industries are shifting the Beveridge curve?”
In: Monthly Labor Review June 2012, pp. 25–37.
Daly, Mary C. et al. (2012a). “A Search and Matching Approach to Labor Markets:
Did the Natural Rate of Unemployment Rise?” In: Journal of Economic Perspectives
26.3, pp. 3–26.
Press coverage: WSJ (blog), Economist.
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